Typografie Tools

Typografie ist komplex und vielfältig. Schön, wenn es Werkzeuge gibt, die die Arbeit erleichtern. Hier gibt es die besten Websites mit praktischen Hilfsmitteln zur Typografie:

»Willkommen beim Blindtextgenerator! Hier könnt Ihr Euch komfortabel Blindtexte für Layoutaufgaben erzeugen.«
»Realistic handwriting generator. Convert text to handwriting using an in-browser recurrent neural network. Choose from various print and cursive styles.«
»What’s Inside Your Font File? How many characters does this font include? Who designed it? Which version is it? What about the copyright? FontDrop! reads and shows what’s in your font file. Simply drag and drop your OpenType or TrueType font files onto this website to see what’s inside them. Supported formats are OTF, TTF and WOFF files. The result is generated in your browser, no server-side actions needed. […] The project is realized by Viktor Nübel and Clemens Nübel.«
»Fontra is an open-source, browser-based, cross-platform, variable-first font editor. It is developed by Black[Foundry] and Just van Rossum with support from Google
»Fontshare is a free fonts service launched by the Indian Type Foundry (ITF). It’s a growing collection of professional grade fonts that are 100% free for personal and commercial use. Our mission is to make high-quality and technically sound fonts accessible to everyone.«
»Fontstand is a font discovery platform that allows you to test and use high-quality fonts on all platforms. Rent fonts by the month with a dedicated app for macOS and Windows or start the monthly subscription with the new iPadOS app.«
Glyphs App
»Glyphs is a Mac font editor that puts you in control: quickly draw high-precision vectors, efficiently reuse shapes, and easily manage any number of letters, figures and symbols. With Glyphs, you draw perfect vectors from scratch, and efficiently produce any OpenType font or major image format.«
Sonderzeichen als Text kopieren
»Diese Sonderzeichen sind echte [reiner] Text und verfügbar zu[m] Kopieren und überall [zum direkten Einsatz], wie z. B. Microsoft Word, Facebook, Twitter, HTML oder Blogging. Klicken Sie auf das Symbol, um die [es in die] Zwischenablage [zu] kopieren.«
»Wiktionary Hilfe.«
Wakamai Fondue
»Wakamai Fondue is a tool that answers the question “What can my font do?” Drop a font on it, or click the circle to upload one, and Wakamai Fondue will tell you about the features in the font. It will also give you all the CSS needed to actually use these features in your web projects! Everything is processed inside the browser—your font will not be sent to a server! Made by Roel Nieskens / PixelAmbacht using Fontkit and Vue.js.«
»Instant font identification powered by the world’s largest collection of fonts.«


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